We are working to be the definitive platform for locally sourced and sustainably produced food here in Southeast Georgia. This list includes businesses and farms that, at least in part, strive to meet standards higher than those set in conventional agriculture. We hope that this list will help mindful consumers connect with producers and purveyors of sustainable local food.
Though we have endeavored to make a good start, we advise consumers to get to know their farmers, chefs, restauranteurs and retailers: ask questions and learn about where your food is sourced and how it is produced.

We have sponsorship/advertising opportunities coming up! Contact today for more information: info@southernsoil.org or 912-688-4168
Fall Issue 2022 - We will publish this final digital issue of 2022 in late October! (Ad deadline is October 7)
PRINTED Compilation Issue 2022 - Be a part of our annual printed edition that includes content from each of our digital issues this year - Winter 2022, Spring 2022, Summer 2022 and Fall 2022. (Ad deadline is Oct 31)
Southern Soil Podcast Season 3 - Season 3 of our podcast will begin production soon. We have two sponsorship spots left. (Deadline is Sept 30)

Now that’s some okra! Motherland Okra grown on @comfortfarms . Thanks for being our okra model for the next issue!
#motherlandokra #bakerscreekseeds #southernsoilmag #sustainability

Be sure to check out the latest episode of @southern_soil_podcast with Grant Anderson of @betterfreshfarms !
This is the second of a two-part conversation about sustainable agriculture and hydroponic farming in climate-controlled modified shipping containers.
You can find this and every episode on our website!
#sustainability #localfoodcommunities #southernsoil

Hello! Kind of off topic, but related topic today…
I am participating in a #100daydresschallenge through @wool.and by wearing this wool dress for the next 100 days.
Yes, I can wash it. And, no, I don’t have to wear it all day long. :)
My main reason for doing this is to raise awareness (including my own) of the role consumers have in shaping the world we live in! Fabrics and fashion take a huge toll on our planet’s resources and I’m interested in better understanding how I can make the best choices.
Wool is a renewable resource, it’s biodegradable, and like other forms of farming- if done well it can have a positive effect on the environment.
I’m looking forward to learning more and exploring this aspect of sustainability. If you’d like to follow me on this journey, I’ll be posting daily on my personal account @lee.anna.tatum you can follow me there!
#sustainability #wooland #woolfabric #merinowool #renewableresource #conscientiousconsumer

Working dogs get it done every day! In 2020, we did an article featuring some of the amazing working dogs on a few of our lava farms, @bootlegfarmllc @whippoorwillfarmssc and Wildhaven. Let’s show our appreciation for ALL working dogs this International Dog Day!

Blue is the semi-official mascot of Southern Soil. When the weather permits, he rides with me to all my interviews and hangs in the vehicle (his favorite place to be!)
#internationaldogday #officedogs #takeyourdogtowork #southernsoilmag #southernsoil

They came in the braids of Africans who were stripped, shackled, and placed head to foot in the belly of ships named White Lion, Monrovia, Clotilda, and Wanderer. Their voyages to the hinterlands from the west coast of Africa helped to create food ways that have evolved from survival food to delicacies that are coveted by even the richest of palates.
The P.O.W.R Aunts (peas, okra, watermelon, and rice) have been a source of sustenance since its arrival upon the coastal shores of what is now known as the Gullah Geechee Heritage Corridor. In this series we will see the aunts as individuals and collectively.
Although watermelon’s origins are very similar to her sisters, her evolution story is one that has been heralded from pharaohs to 20th century writers and she continues to satisfy all walks of life in between.
Be sure to read the full article by @chefarmermatthew and Helen Rae Ladson - you can find it in the Summer 2022 Issue on our website!
#watermelon #africanfoodways #blackfarmers #southernsoilmag #southernsoil

Do you enjoy fine dining, but find that you’d like to sneak a peek into the kitchen and learn a little more about how your amazing dinner came together? Do you love to cook at home, but miss out on the social interaction of dining out with friends? What about those celebration dinners for special occasions that end up falling short when it comes to engaging with your dinner party and creating those memorable moments?
Did you answer “yes” to any of those questions?
If so, a cooking class at the Mansion on Forsyth Park in Savannah might be just the thing for you! Classes taught by Chef Jason Winn, who heads up the 700 Kitchen Cooking School (at the Mansion), are an interactive experience for those interested in taking the fine-dining experience beyond the table - all the way back to the kitchen where the magic happens.
READ the full article on our website!
@jasonwinn2 @mansiononforsythpark #southernsoilmag #sustainability #localfoodmovement #getinthekitchen

Rebekah always delivers with a Some Kinda Good recipe and we are loving this collaboration with @billysbotanicals !
Be sure to check out this latest issue! And a big THANK YOU to @thesalttable for sponsoring this series!
@skgfoodblog #southernsoilmag #southeastgeorgia #getinthekitchen #localfood