I always felt like I was part city girl, part country girl … a foot in each world - never fully at home, never completely out of place. One foot in each world.
I struggled to choose which I would prefer.
Museums, sidewalk cafes, being completely alone on a crowded street. Public transportation, street performances, a cityscape against a pale blue sky.
Dirt roads, freshly plowed fields and the smell of rich earth on a cool breeze. Face to the sun, hands outstretched, bare feet in warm grass, serenaded by crickets and bullfrogs.
Today I know where my heart belongs. Where my anthem is played.
I hear my soul echo back to me on a laugh of the nighttime loon. I hear my childhood calling to me through the song of the whippoorwil. As the barred owl asks me, who-who-who-who, I know that the decision has already been made.
I belong where the sky has room to meet the earth. Where I can be surrounded by life, yet completely alone. To borrow a sentiment from one of my favorite songs, I belong among the wildflowers, I belong somewhere I feel free! (Thank you, Tom Petty for writing the soundtrack for my life!)
Wildflowers at sunset.
You can follow me Instagram @lee.anna.tatum where I share my views of the world - one image, one word at a time!